False: Obama said that if you weren't a vegetarian, you are not a patriot.

By: Sunil Kumar
September 7 2020

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False: Obama said that if you weren't a vegetarian, you are not a patriot.


The Verdict False

Obama supported a plant-based diet, but he did not relate veganism to patriotism.

Claim ID 8853a530

Obama supported a plant-based diet, but he did not relate veganism to patriotism. According to the United Nations, a global shift toward a vegan diet is necessary to combat the worst effects of climate change. Obama, while addressing at the Global Food Innovation Summit held in Milan, nodded for the adoption of a plant-based diet even though he made it clear he’s not a vegetarian. He told the attendees that societies around the world should explore ways to reduce meat consumption and find more efficient means to produce protein. He further said that reducing flesh consumption can improve their health.

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