False: Donald Trump was born in Pakistan.

By: Sunil Kumar
July 19 2021

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False: Donald Trump was born in Pakistan.


The Verdict False

Former U.S. President Donald John Trump was born in Queens, New York, on June 14, 1946.

Claim ID f353482a

Former U.S. President Donald John Trump was born in Queens, New York, on June 14, 1946. In a video, a Pakistani broadcaster suggested that former U.S. President Donald Trump was born in Pakistan and not in the United States. In the video, the broadcaster also said that Trump's real name is Dawood Ibrahim Khan. The video went viral on social media. According to the White House and the National Archives, Trump was born on June 14, 1946, in Queens, New York. Fred Trump, his father, was a real estate entrepreneur. Trump studied at the New York Military Academy and the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Finance and Commerce. There is no credible evidence that Donald Trump was born in Pakistan.

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