False: RBI has released one lakh rupee coin.

By: Archana Naresh
August 11 2020

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False: RBI has released one lakh rupee coin.


The Verdict False

The Reserve Bank of India’s website has no recent posts about 1,00,000 rupee coin denominations.

Claim ID b86b465e

The Reserve Bank of India’s website has no recent posts about 1,00,000 rupee coin denominations.The information available on the RBI website reveals that ₹10 coin is the highest denomination coin printed and is in circulation in India since its introduction in 2005. India Government Mint had introduced coins of denominations ₹100, ₹150, ₹350 to commemorate various occasions, and these coins are called Commemorative Coins. These coins come under Non-Circulating Legal Tender (NCLT) and are issued by the Government of India Mint. Therefore it is clear that there is no 1,00,000 rupee coin neither in circulation nor as Commemorative.

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