Fact Checks

Hackers attack computers every 39 seconds.

Written by Ankita Kulkarni | Nov 12, 2020 3:16:00 PM
A study from the University of Maryland revealed that computers with internet access are attacked every 39 seconds by hackers.Hacking is unauthorized access or control over computer network security systems for some illicit purpose. A study conducted by Clark School of Engineering, Michel Cukier of the University of Maryland, and his students on hackers' behavior pointed out that hackers attacked computers every 39 seconds. The study, which investigated how hackers crack computers, confirms those regularly issued warnings about password vulnerability. The computers involved in the study were attacked, on average, 2,244 times a day that is every 39 seconds. It further provided the quantifiable evidence that attacks were happening all the time to computers with internet connections. The hackers had used a type of software called a dictionary script that runs through lists of usual usernames and passwords to break into the computer. After gaining access to the computers, hackers usually changed the passwords for their use. The study also provided statistical evidence to support the widely held beliefs about username/password vulnerability and post-compromise attacking behavior. It also presented at the 37th Annual IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)/IFIP(International Federation for Information Processing) International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, support the continual warnings of security experts not to use identical or related usernames and passwords.